Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Catch the Spirit of the Summer Olympics

What does the Olympic Symbol mean?

The five rings represent the five major regions of the world: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. Every national flag in the world includes at least one of the five colors, which are (from left to right) blue, yellow, black, green, and red. 

The rings are connected to represent the meeting of the athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games. The five colors of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top and yellow and green along the bottom.

"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well." The words of the Olympic creed are dedicated to Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games.

The Olympic Flag made its debut at the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium. At the end of each Olympic Games, the mayor of that host-city presents the flag to the mayor of the next host-city. It then rests at the town hall of the next host-city for four years until the Opening Ceremony of their Olympic Games.

Now it’s your turn… on a piece of paper, create a flag for yourself or your family.  What colors did you choose and why?  What message or ideas are expressed in your flag? 

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